Suffragette City | Rev Stan's review
Excerpt from Rev Stan's Theatre Blog review for Suffragette City, London Pavilion.
"I'm walking down Jermyn Street trying to look casual while being vigilant. I've got a package to post in my bag and if found with it I could get arrested - I'm a suffragette and this is about 'deeds not words'."
"Keeping to the opposite pavement before double backing towards the post box, all seems clear so I deposit the parcel and head back to HQ via a different route, checking to see if I'm followed."
"HQ is the WSPU (Women's Social and Political Union) beneath a café just off Piccadilly Circus and this is an immersive theatre/exhibition experience, produced by the National Trust and National Archive, in which you get a taste of what it was like to walk in the shoes of a suffragette."

"It's hands on, no sitting and watching, you might find yourself making rosettes, painting banners or learning new protest songs."
"You might also find yourself on a protest march or taking part in other forms of direct action but there are fellow suffragettes on hand to brief you on what to do, particularly if you do get 'arrested'."
There is something exhilarating about marching down a street in central London with a banner, singing - our small but vocal group got a few rounds of applause as well as stares.
While only a small flavour of the suffragette experience, it does give you a sense of what they were up against and how far they were prepared to go to get equality.
For the full review please go to Rev Stan's Theatre Blog